Colombia's clandestine cannabis growers keen to come out of the shadows

Farmers in northern Cauca province, the centre of the country’s marijuana cultivation, have formed a co-op to capitalise on legalisation of the pot trade
The Guardian (UK)
Friday, September 16, 2016

colombia-marihuana-cultivoHalf of Colombia’s cannabis production is concentrated in the northern part of Cauca province, and 50% of that is grown in Corinto alone. Police estimate 100 hectares of land in the municipality are dedicated to growing weed; local farmers reckon the real number could be twice that. So when Colombia recently legalised marijuana for medical and scientific purposes, farmers in Corinto figured they had a corner on the cultivation market. A group of farmers came togetherto create Caucannabis, a cooperative that aims to be a prime supplier to companies hoping to cash in on Colombia’s new legal marijuana business.