United States | Drugs policy

Pills and progress

Signs of compassion mixed with pragmatism are emerging in America’s treatment of drug users, who are also changing their habits


ON A recent evening, some 50 people turned up for their weekly reckoning at Judge Joel Bennett's drug court in Austin, Texas. Those who had had a good week—gone to their Narcotics Anonymous meetings and stayed out of trouble—got a round of applause. The ones who had stumbled received small punishments: a few hours of community service, a weekend in jail, a referral to inpatient treatment. Most were sanguine about that. Completing the programme will mean a year of sobriety and the dismissal of their criminal charges.

After the session, Mr Bennett noted that the drugs problem has grown worse during his nearly 20 years on the bench, largely due to poverty, poor education and cycles of abuse. Still, he reckoned, less punitive approaches to drug users are gaining acceptance. That is largely because the punitive approach has failed.

This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline "Pills and progress"

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