At summit, drug talk likely to be hot but hidden
The Summit of the Americas is focused on roads and ports. But behind closed doors, leaders will discuss drug policies
The Miami Herald (US)
Saturday, April 14, 2012As the hemisphere’s leaders gather in Colombia this week for the VI Summit of the Americas, their on-camera discussions will be dominated by perennial convention topics: poverty, cooperation, the need for roads. But behind closed doors, they are expected to tackle a more contentious issue: the narcotics trade.
Guatemalan president leads drug legalization debate
Friday, March 23, 2012On the campaign trail, Otto Perez Molina vowed to rule his country with an iron fist. The retired general said he would send troops into the streets to fight drug violence. Analysts summed up his political platform with three words: law and order. Now – just two months after taking office – the Guatemalan president is pushing a controversial proposal that has come under fire from U.S. officials and earned praise from people who were once his critics. Last year's law-and-order candidate said he wanted to legalize drugs.
De Nederwietoorlog
Politie dikt exportcijfers nederwiet aan
KRO Reporter International
Friday, March 2, 2012De exportcijfers van nederwiet die de Taskforce Aanpak Georganiseerde Hennepteelt veelvuldig in de media bracht, zijn sterk overdreven. Dit blijkt uit een vertrouwelijk rapport van het Korps Landelijke Politie Diensten dat openbaar wordt gemaakt door KRO Reporter International. Het rapport maakt duidelijk dat de export van nederwiet een “bescheiden omvang” heeft. “Het grootste deel van de productie is bedoeld voor de binnenlandse markt”, aldus het KLPD. Donderdag debatteert de Tweede Kamer over het drugsbeleid.
Jakhalzen - Hashverbod
De wereld draait door (DWDD)
Tursday, March 1, 2012Het softdrugsbeleid mag wel wat aangescherpt, vindt de VVD. Regeringspartners PVV en CDA zijn het daarmee eens. Voorstel is een bijvoorbeeld een verbod op hash. Vandaag debatteerde de Tweede Kamer over het gedoogbeleid in Nederland. Jakhals Erik vraagt zich af of dit het begin van het einde is van de coffeeshop.
South American prison deaths tied to overcrowding, official says
Los Angeles Times (US)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012Violence at prisons in South America, where at least eight inmates were killed in recent weeks, remains tied to alarmingly shoddy conditions and rampant overcrowding, a United Nations official said Thursday. "The implementation of harsh drug laws has fueled rising incarceration rates and has contributed to severe prison overcrowding," the Washington Office on Latin America and the Transnational Institute wrote in a study two years ago.
Colombia Takes Step Towards Drug Decriminalization
Elyssa PachicoIn Sight
Thursday, August 25, 2011Colombia's Supreme Court ruled against harsh punishments for small-time drug offenders, in a move towards easing up Colombia's zero-tolerance drug laws, which have achieved little in the fight against organized crime.
La Bolivia sotto Inquisizione
Il Manifesto / Fuoriluogo
Mercoledi, 20 luglio 2011Martin Jelsma (Transnational Institute, Amsterdam) racconta per la rubrica di Fuoriluogo sul Manifesto del 20 luglio 2011 la crociata contro la Bolivia avviata dall'INCB dell'ONU. L’articolo in versione integrale su www.fuoriluogo.it.
Bolivia and the international drug control regime
A conversation with Martin Jelsma of the Transnational Institute
Adam IsacsonWOLA's "Latin America Today"
Thursday, July 14, 2011Bolivia has denounced the International Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which bans the traditional practice of chewing coca leaf. Adam talks with Martin Jelsma, who coordinates the Drugs and Democracy Program at the Amsterdam-based Transnational Institute.
Drug club: Spain’s alternative cannabis economy
Red Pepper (UK)
June 2011While public opinion seems to be shifting towards support for legalisation; there is surprisingly little discussion in the drugs counter-culture of what a socially just model of cannabis consumption might look like. Nick Buxton examines the experience of cannabis social clubs in Spain.
Beneath the underdog
Drugs and Incarceration in the Americas
Suzanna ReissNACLA North American Congress on Latin America
July/August 2011The United States has exported a counter-productive and destructive model to Latin America through the drug war. This is made clear in Systems Overload, a report released in May by the Transnational Institute and the Washington Office on Latin America.
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