El estatus del cannabis en las convenciones sobre drogas de la ONU es objeto de controversia. El cannabis se encuentra ahora entre las sustancias más peligrosas. ¿Cómo y por qué entró el cannabis en las convenciones? ¿Es lógico que haya sido controlado? ¿Cuáles son las opciones para revisar el estatus del cannabis de acuerdo a los datos científicos actuales? ¿Sería una solución poner el cannabis bajo un régimen de control similar al de sustancias nocivas como el alcohol y el tabaco?

Para las últimas noticias sobre la reforma de las políticas de cannabis en el mundo haga clic aquí.

  • What Does It Mean to Decriminalize Marijuana?

    A Cross-National Empirical Examination
    Pacula et.al.
    Center for the Study of Law and Society Faculty Working Papers
    Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program, UC Berkeley
    September 2004

    This paper provides a framework for understanding what decriminalization means within the broader context of depenalization. To illustrate these concepts, it provides a detailed discussion of a range of depenalization policies observed in developed countries, highlighting for each country a distinct issue that influences how the policy is implemented and its potential impact.

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  • The Limited Relevance of Drug Policy

    Cannabis in Amsterdam and in San Francisco
    Craig Reinarman, Peter Cohen, and Hendrien L. Kaal
    American Journal of Public Health, Vol 94, No. 5
    May 2004

    Decriminalizing cannabis doesn't lead to more widespread use, according to a study comparing cannabis users in two similar cities with opposing cannabis policies — Amsterdam, the Netherlands (decriminalization), and San Francisco, California (criminalization). The study compared age at onset, regular and maximum use, frequency and quantity of use over time, intensity and duration of intoxication, career use patterns, and other drug use. No evidence was found to support claims that criminalization reduces use or that decriminalization increases use.

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  • Breve historia de la inclusión del cannabis en el control internacional de drogas

    La primera iniciativa de regular internacionalmente el cannabis partió de Italia a finales del siglo XIX
    Tom Blickman
    Revista Cañamo Nº. 63 y Nº. 65
    Marzo y mayo de 2003

    La primera iniciativa de regular internacionalmente el cannabis partió de Italia a finales del siglo XIX. En esas fechas Italia se había convertido en centro de almacenaje del cannabis proveniente de las regiones de Africa bajo dominio italiano. Desde allí el cannabis era transportado de contrabando hacia otros países. Pero la propuesta italiana sólo logró la aprobación de una resolución para que se hicieran estudios estadísticos y científicos sobre las consecuencias del uso del cannabis.

  • Ataque a la política europea para el cannabis

    Tom Blickman
    Informe TNI
    Abril de 2002

    En período de sesiones de la Comisión de Estupefacientes de la ONU que tuvo lugar en Viena (11-15 de marzo de 2002) se produjo un fuerte ataque contra las tendencias europeas hacia la 'tolerancia' respecto al uso y la posesión de cannabis. Se vivió también un intento orquestado por aprobar una resolución que pusiera freno a dicha tendencia.

  • Crack Heads and Roots Daughters

    The Therapeutic Use of Cannabis in Jamaica
    Melanie Dreher
    Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics, 2(3-4), 121-133

    An ethnographic study of women and drug use in inner city neighborhoods in Kingston, Jamaica, revealed that cannabis is commonly used in conjunction with crack cocaine to minimize the undesirable effects of crack pipe smoking, specifically paranoia and weight loss.

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  • Evaluating alternative cannabis regimes

    Robert MacCoun & Peter Reuter
    British Journal of Psychiatry (2001) 178: 123-128
    February 2001

    Cannabis is the cutting-edge drug for reform, the only politically plausible candidate for major legal change, at least decriminalisation (removal of criminal penalties for possession) and perhaps even outright legalisation (permitting production and sale). Compared with other drugs, the harms, physiological or behavioural, are less severe and the drug is better integrated into the culture. Throughout Western Europe and in the Antipodes there is pressure for reductions in the punitiveness of the marijuana regime.

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  • The Dutch example shows that liberal drug laws can be beneficial

    Craig Reinarman
    Scott Barbour (Ed.), Drug Legalization: Current Controversies. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. pp. 102-108.

    U.S. drug control officials have denounced Dutch drug policy as if it were the devil himself. One former U.S. Drug Czar said "you can't walk down the street in Amsterdam without tripping over junkies." In the Summer of 1998, however, one such denouncement turned into a small scandal. The first part of this chapter examines this incident as a window on the politics of drug policy. The second part offers a more general analysis of why U.S. drug control officials seem to be so threatened by the Dutch example.

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  • Therapeutic Use of Cannabis by Crack Addicts in Brazil

    Eliseu Labigalini Jr, Lucio Ribeiro Rodrigues and Dartiu Xavier Da Silveira
    Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 31 (4)
    October-December 1999

    This study ensued from clinical observations based on spontaneous accounts by crack abusers undergoing their first psychiatric assessment, where they reported using cannabis in an attempt to ease their own withdrawal symptoms.

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  • Cannabis use, a stepping stone to other drugs?

    The case of Amsterdam
    Peter Cohen & Arjan Sas
    In: Lorenz Böllinger (1997), Cannabis Science / Cannabis Wissenschaft. From prohibition to human right / Von der Prohibition zum Recht auf Genuß. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Eurpaïscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. pp. 49-82.

    Does smoking reefer lead to using other drugs, in daily practice usually described as cocaine and heroin? Raising the possibility that the answer to this question might be affirmative, is known as the stepping stone hypothesis. Recently this hypothesis has been raised again in slightly other terms: cannabis use as a “gateway” to other allegedly more dangerous drugs.

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