Items tagged with jamaica and decriminalization

Item title Description
Ganja lobby turns heat on Gov’t in defence of small farmers [25.02.2022] The Ganja Growers and Producers Association Jamaica (GGPAJ) has called for an immediate two-year incentive programme for marijuana cultivators, espec ...
A roundup of countries that permit recreational cannabis [15.10.2021] Marijuana may be an issue of easy agreement in the ongoing coalition talks between Germany's leading parties. Despite numerous points of contention, ...
Jamaica faces marijuana shortage as farmers struggle [05.02.2021] Jamaica is running low on ganja. Heavy rains followed by an extended drought, an increase in local consumption and a drop in the number of marijuana ...
Drug laws on possession: several countries are revisiting them and these are their options [02.08.2019] Many countries are changing the way they approach people who use drugs. The Irish government has just announced possible alternatives to criminalisat ...
Jamaica’s cannabis gamble [17.04.2019] Jamaica is starting to think of cannabis as an opportunity. Uruguay, Canada and ten American states have legalised it for recreational use. Ganja, as ...
Ganja: Discovering the future [22.08.2018] Despite cannabis being an integral part of the Jamaican identity, just five years ago local laws did not reflect the realities of its use in the coun ...
The facts about ganja in Jamaica [21.01.2018] When the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act 2015 came into effect on April 15, 2015, new provisions were put in place regarding the possession and smoki ...
Doctors want focus on benefits of ganja instead of profits [12.04.2017] The Medical Association of Jamaica (MAJ) has slammed the focus on profits instead of studying the benefits of marijuana since its decriminalisation t ...
Ganja data war - MOH backs drug watchdog in weed clash, lobbyist standing ground [28.03.2017] A standoff between the Ministry of Health minister and a lobbyist of the Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) has forced the National Council on Drug A ...
A lot has happened and a lot has not happened [20.10.2016] At the recently concluded 6th Latin American and 1st Caribbean Conference on Drug Policy, held in Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic, I started a disc ...
Caribbean urged to rethink hard stance on marijuana [22.09.2016] Chairman of the CARICOM Commission on Marijuana, Professor Wendel Abel, believes the Caribbean can benefit greatly from the decriminalisation of smal ...
Cannabis in Latin America and the Caribbean [15.09.2016] Cannabis (or marihuana) is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances in the world. According to the United Nations World Drug Report, 1 ...
Thousands of Jamaicans see ganja records wiped clean [15.06.2016] Almost 4,000 Jamaicans who had criminal records for minor ganja offenses have so far been issued with clean Police certificates under the Rehabilitat ...
Weed sellers worry - Ganja vendors not sure how to interpret new rules [28.05.2016] For years, one of the most open secrets was that the section of the Coronation Market ‘Grass Yard’ was the place to get ‘high-grade’ ganja in whateve ...
Rethinking drug prohibition on a global scale [01.05.2016] Last month, the United Nations General Assembly met for the first time in history to reconsider international drug prohibition with an eye toward pol ...
The old global consensus on the war on drugs is crumbling [09.04.2016] Once a decade, the United Nations organizes a meeting where every country in the world comes together to figure out what to do about drugs — and up t ...
2015 the Year of Ganja in Jamaica [29.01.2016] The issue of ganja played very prominently in Jamaica in 2015 with some advocates trumpeting the dawn of a “new green golden kingdom”, while some opp ...
14,000 fewer persons arrested on ganja charges since changes to law [25.01.2016] National Security Minister Peter Bunting says the police have arrested 14,000 fewer persons for possession of marijuana. The announcement comes month ...
None but ourselves can 'free' the weed [04.07.2015] Traditional small ganja farmers in Jamaica, accustomed to clandestinely working their fields, will now have to adhere to strict regulations in order ...
Cultivating alternatives: Towards a regional cannabis model [14.06.2015] The decriminalization and regulation of cannabis has been occurring in many jurisdictions in the United States – but also closer to home and more sig ...
Companies urged to review drug testing policies to fit with ganja reform [08.06.2015] Justice Minister Mark Golding is advising employers to review their drug-testing policies to fall in line with the new regulations that now govern th ...
Ganja law needs police support, says Golding [30.05.2015] Minister of Justice Senator Mark Golding, says that the success of recent changes to the Dangerous Drugs Act, accommodating decriminalising possessio ...
Revised ganja law fundamental and far reaching — Bunting [10.05.2015] National Security Minister Bunting says amendments to the Dangerous Drugs Act, resulting in decriminalisation of specified quantities of ganja, are " ...
US president cautions against hopes of ganja legalisation [10.04.2015] President Barack Obama cautioned persons who have hopes of marijuana being legalised, as he explained the difference between legalisation and decrimi ...
Governor General gives assent, 'Ganja law' now in effect [30.03.2015] Governor General Sir Patrick Allen has given his assent to the Bill amending the Dangerous Drugs Act, making possession of two or less ounces of ganj ...
Ganja decriminalisation: Three the hard way [02.03.2015] February 24, 2015 was an especially emotional day for three of the stalwarts who have fought for the decriminalisation of ganja. It was the day the H ...
Lowe wants public sector cooperation on ganja [28.02.2015] Executive Chairman of Medicanja, Dr Henry Lowe, is urging a spirit of cooperation between government ministries and agencies involved in the developm ...
Caribbean leaders form marijuana commission [26.02.2015] Just days after Jamaica became the first Caribbean nation to decriminalize small portions of pot, leaders of the Caribbean Community agreed on the co ...
Ganja law passed but awaits regulations [25.02.2015] The law effectively clears the way for the decriminalisation of two ounces of marijuana, making possession a ticketable offence. Under the amended la ...
St Lucia Cannabis Movement commends Jamaica for passing 'Ganja Bill' [25.02.2015] Chairman of the Cannabis Movement of St Lucia, Andre De Caires, has welcomed Jamaica's decision to give the green light to the so-called Ganja Bill, ...
Ganja law gets green light [24.02.2015] The much anticipated amendment to the Dangerous Drugs Act, often referred to as the ganja law, has been passed in the House of Representatives of Jam ...
'Misperception is very dangerous' [16.02.2015] Executive director of the National Council on Drug Abuse (NCDA), Michael Tucker, has warned that the misinformation circulating among Jamaicans about ...
Senate passes ganja law [06.02.2015] The Senate debated for nearly five hours about the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act, 2015, which was later passed with five amendments. The legislatio ...
Ganja interests wary of internal business rivalry [31.01.2015] Despite strong ministerial and legislative signals, segments of the marijuana lobby are unsure that sufficient protections will be afforded to the pe ...
US official cautions Jamaica on ganja legalisation [29.01.2015] The U.S. Government has signalled discomfort with Jamaica's move to decriminalise marijuana for specific uses. According to assistant secretary, Will ...
Pro-ganja lobby endorses changes on eve of Senate debate [28.01.2015] Professor Archibald McDonald called on the Jamaican Government to continue with the reforms and disregard apparent threats from US Government officia ...
Jamaica poised to relax cannabis laws [22.01.2015] The cabinet has approved a bill that would decriminalise possession of small amounts of cannabis and pave the way for a legal medical marijuana indus ...
US vote refuels ganja debate [06.11.2014] The local pro-ganja lobby in Jamaica is welcoming the vote for the legalisation of ganja in the American states of Oregon, Alaska, and Washington DC. ...
In Jamaica, Rastas ready for pot decriminalization [12.09.2014] Jamaica is known internationally for its marijuana, where its use is culturally entrenched despite being legally banned for 100 years. Previous moves ...
Nonsense to arrest for a spliff [11.08.2014] The attorney general, Patrick Atkinson, must move with dispatch to determine, as the justice minister, Mark Golding, suggests, whether the police can ...
Ganja growers demand amnesty on weed arrests [09.08.2014] A call has been made for the government to declare an amnesty on all arrests for the possession of under one pound of marijuana. The plea from the Ga ...
Caricom creates commission to study legalization of medical marijuana [02.07.2014] The Caribbean trade bloc Caricom has created a commission to study whether the region's roughly 15 million people should be allowed to use medical ma ...
Golding tables ganja Bill in Senate [28.06.2014] Minister of Justice, Senator Mark Golding, tabled the much-anticipated Bill proposing the automatic expungement of convictions for certain minor ganj ...
A half-smoked joint [27.06.2014] Decriminalisation is only half the answer. As long as supplying drugs remains illegal, the business will remain a criminal monopoly. Jamaica’s gangst ...
CARICOM did not consult us on ganja law reform - US [25.06.2014] William Brownfield, assistant secretary at the US Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, has charged that Jamaica and other C ...
The difference between legalisation and decriminalisation [17.06.2014] The war on cannabis seems to be slowly burning out. On June 12th Jamaica announced that it plans to decriminalise possession of small amounts of the ...
Jamaica anticipates a marijuana rush as decriminalisation looms – but is it too late? [15.06.2014] Possession of a mere handful of marijuana has for decades clogged Jamaican courts with petty cases and distracted an undermanned police force from ta ...
Ganja laws: The Government's case for reform [14.06.2014] On June 2, Cabinet approved certain changes to the law relating to ganja. These relate to the possession of small quantities for personal use, the sm ...
Jamaica set to decriminalise marijuana for personal use [12.06.2014] In Jamaica, plans are in the making for the decriminalisation of possession of small amounts of marijuana. "Cabinet approved certain changes to the l ...
Cabinet approves proposal to decriminalise small amounts of ganja [12.06.2014] The Jamaican government has approved proposed amendments to the law that will decriminalise the possession of small amounts of ganja. Justice Ministe ...
Ganja advocates demand gov't develops 12-point plan for the industry [24.05.2014] At the first Cannabis Conference held at the University of the West Indies, stakeholders have called for the criminal records of persons convicted fo ...
Caribbean countries consider loosening marijuana laws [28.03.2014] In Saint Vincent and across the Caribbean, marijuana is illegal, yet it is widely used, freely sold and openly puffed. It’s evidence of the shifting ...
Jamaica's marijuana growers split on legalisation [13.03.2014] In Jamaica, marijuana, or ganja, as it is more commonly known on the Caribbean island, is used in religious ceremonies by Rastafarians and as a herba ...
Jamaica to decriminalise ganja by year end - gov't official [22.02.2014] Jamaica is to decriminalise ganja by year end as the government moves to capitalise on the booming marijuana trade internationally, said Science and ...
Most Jamaicans support ganja decriminalisation - study [27.11.2013] A recent study has found that a majority of Jamaica’s population may be in support of relaxing the laws prohibiting the use of marijuana. The study, ...
Follow Colorado on ganja [07.11.2013] The sky hasn't fallen in either Colorado, Washington State or anywhere over the United States. And it won't in Jamaica. It is high time, therefore, t ...
Gov't actively looking into reforming ganja law [27.10.2013] Justice Minister Mark Golding has said consideration is being given to reforming the law relating to ganja in Jamaica to allow its use, but within ce ...
Weed: Decriminalise to stabilise [26.10.2013] Jamaica's current volatile security environment and its economic malaise are reasons enough to seriously consider joining their Latin American counte ...
Justify the weed - Justice minister to make constitutional case for revising ganja law [26.10.2013] With Jamaica's Ministry of Justice positioning itself to seek approval from Cabinet for the decriminalisation of marijuana, the justice minister Mark ...
Lawmakers give nod to decriminalisation of ganja [08.10.2013] Lawmakers in Jamaica gave the nod to Raymond Pryce's motion calling for the decriminalisation of ganja following two weeks of debate which saw member ...
Cabinet to consider changes to ganja laws [06.10.2013] Justice Minister Mark Golding says international events and changes in the United States - the chief opponent of Jamaica's decriminalisation efforts ...
Jamaica lawmakers debate pot decriminalization [23.09.2013] Lawmakers in Jamaica debated a proposal to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use by adults, where many islander ...
Gutless governments [31.08.2013] Successive administrations are being accused of spinelessness in the pursuit of any venture aimed at legitimately utilising marijuana products in hea ...
Shame, classism still define ganja smoking [31.08.2013] Advocates for the decriminalisation at a recent Gleaner Editors' Forum said it was unfortunate that the image of ganja users has remained the same fo ...
Is the war on drugs in the Caribbean going up in smoke? [26.07.2012] With the decimation of St Lucia’s banana industry due to the collapse of preferential trade agreements with Europe, land which was once used to culti ...
Jamaica panel to review pot decriminalization [13.04.2011] Top government officials will review recommendations to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal and religious use in Jama ...