Danish police use drone in operation against Christiania cannabis trade
Aim of the current police operation is to press home the message that buying cannabis in Christiania carries a risk of prosecution
Thursday, November 30, 2017
A special unit of the Copenhagen police force has been operating in and around the ‘free city’ of Christiania and on its notorious Pusher Street in a bid to stamp out the organised sale of drugs. One of the new methods being used is overflying the area using drones. Buyers have been the primary target. By using the drones, police have been able to follow them to and from the sellers’ tables. “Then we can just wait until the suspect arrives at the exit and stop them,” said deputy inspector Lars-O Karlsen. Although the residents of Christiania drove out the sellers from Pusher Street a year or so ago, there are still a lot of drugs being sold. (See also: Make gangs illegal – starting with the Hell’s Angels)