La reducción del daño es un conjunto de estrategias destinadas a paliar las consecuencias negativas del consumo de drogas, mediante la mitigación de los peligros potenciales y de los riesgos para la salud. La ONUDD ha ampliado considerablemente su programa de VIH/SIDA gracias al apoyo de los países donantes favorables a la reducción de daños, a pesar de las ambigüedades que existen sobre el tema al interior de las agencias de fiscalización de drogas de Naciones Unidas. Hay que ampliar los servicios básicos para la prevención del VIH/SIDA así como las instalaciones dedicadas a la prescripción de heroína y las salas de consumo de drogas.

  • HIV/AIDS and Drugs Misuse in Russia

    Harm Reduction Programmes and the Russian Legal System
    William E Butler
    International Family Health
    September 2003

    This report breaks new ground in the HIV/AIDS prevention literature by reviewing harm reduction initiatives and programmes in the context of Russian and international law. The intention is to guide the reader through the complexities of the laws governing HIV and drug misuse and to determine the various legal difficulties relating to these initiatives. The policy options that appear to be available to address them and to allow harm reduction programmes to become an integral part of Russia’s response to its HIV/AIDS epidemic are set out. With the intensification of the “harm reduction versus drug supply/demand reduction” debate there is a need to ensure that policy makers have a thorough understanding of the concept of harm reduction, related terminology and relevant aspects of the law.

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  • Evaluation of the work of drug consumption rooms in the Federal Republic of Germany

    Abridged version of the final report on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health
    ZEUS GmbH Centre for Applied Psychology
    July 2003

    Besides the classic approaches (drug counselling centres, therapy for substance abuse) there exist reform and pilot projects to develop alternative ways of helping. These are intended for longtime drug users who have undergone several therapies unsuccessfully or could not be reached by existing resources. Amongst those alternative services is the treatment with substitution therapy as well as the establishment of drug consumption rooms.

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  • Drug Consumption Rooms

    Background Information
    Federal Ministry of Health and Social Security
    April 2003

    The first drug consumption room for opiate-dependent persons in Germany was opened in Frankfort on the Main in December 1994. In March 2003 there were 19 drug consumption rooms in the Federal Republic of Germany: These institutions provide several hundred drug injecting places; they are used every day by several thousand addicts several times a day.

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  • Flexibilidad en las disposiciones de los tratados

    Sección de Asuntos Legales de la ONUDD
    30 de septiembre de 2002

    En un categórico memorando confidencial dirigido a la JIFE, expertos legales de la ONUDD aducen que la mayoría de las medidas para la reducción del daño se ajustaría a las convenciones. Según la Sección de Asuntos Legales: “Se podría argüir fácilmente que los principios rectores de la reducción de la demanda de drogas proveen un mandato claro para la institución de políticas de reducción del daño, que, respetando las diferencias culturales y de género, ofrecen un entorno de mayor apoyo a los consumidores de drogas”.

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  • Recent developments regarding drug law and policy in Germany and the European Community

    Lorenz Böllinger
    Journal of Drug Issues
    Spring 2002

    Recent developments in drug policy can be regarded as taking place in stages based on certain changeable paradigms: the abstinence paradigm, the medicalization paradigm and the acceptance paradigm. For the time being there seems to be a slow transition from the first to the latter, implying that elements of all three are presently active in a diversity of policies and strategies, differing between states and regions of the German federal state and the European Union as well as between different levels of drug policy and drug care.

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  • Crack Heads and Roots Daughters

    The Therapeutic Use of Cannabis in Jamaica
    Melanie Dreher
    Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics, 2(3-4), 121-133

    An ethnographic study of women and drug use in inner city neighborhoods in Kingston, Jamaica, revealed that cannabis is commonly used in conjunction with crack cocaine to minimize the undesirable effects of crack pipe smoking, specifically paranoia and weight loss.

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  • Use of Narcotic Drugs in Public Injection Rooms under Public International Law

    Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
    January 7, 2000

    State-controlled public injection rooms are not expressly referred to in any of the rele­vant international conventions. It is thus necessary to determine, by way of a prelimi­nary factual enquiry, the exact characteristics of such institutions that fall within the ambit of one or more of the conventions. The rather superficial provisions concerning drug addicts stand in stark contrast to the stated primary aims of the conventions, which are formulated in the preambles as pre­venting and combatting abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and the public health and social problems which such abuse engenders.

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  • Reviewing legal aspects of substitution treatment at international level

    European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
    ELDD Comparative Study
    August 2000

    Treatment for drug addiction was seen as a measure to reduce drug abuse as early as 1961 when the UN Single Convention was signed. However, the only recognised concept of drug treatment mentioned by the Convention concerned the detoxification of the individual through ‘drug-free treatment’. Therapeutic measures aimed at treating drug addictions through maintenance and related distributions of alternative substances are not expressly mentioned by the UN Conventions of 1961, 1971 and 1988.

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  • The impact of heroin prescription on heroin markets in Switzerland

    Martin Killias & Marcelo F. Aebi
    Crime Prevention Studies,
    Volume 11, pp. 83-99

    A program of heroin prescription was introduced in Switzerland in 1994. This initially targeted 1,000 heavily dependent heroin users, most of whom were also involved in drug dealing and other forms of crime. It has recently been extended to cover 3,000 users. Evaluation of its impact on users shows large reductions in use of illicit drugs and in drug-related crime.

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  • Therapeutic Use of Cannabis by Crack Addicts in Brazil

    Eliseu Labigalini Jr, Lucio Ribeiro Rodrigues and Dartiu Xavier Da Silveira
    Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 31 (4)
    October-December 1999

    This study ensued from clinical observations based on spontaneous accounts by crack abusers undergoing their first psychiatric assessment, where they reported using cannabis in an attempt to ease their own withdrawal symptoms.

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