Items tagged with human rights

Item title Description
Medical experts call for global drug decriminalisation [24.03.2016] An international commission of medical experts is calling for global drug decriminalisation, arguing that current policies lead to violence, deaths a ...
Unravelling the human cost of global drug policy [13.03.2016] The international drug control system has caused much greater damage than the substances it targets. Gross human rights violations have been committe ...
Striving for system-wide coherence [11.03.2016] In April 2016, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) will convene its 30th Special Session (or ‘UNGASS’) – and the third to focus on the ‘w ...
Iran executed all adult men in one village for drug offences, official reveals [25.02.2016] The entire adult male population of a village in southern Iran has been executed for drug offences, according to Iran’s vice-president for women and ...
Decriminalise drugs to meet users' right to good health, says UN official [09.12.2015] All drug use should be decriminalised and possession made free from the threat of lengthy prison terms, the UN’s special rapporteur on the right to h ...
As UNGASS approaches, yet another devastating UN critique of the drug war is published [08.12.2015] A significant positive outcome has already emerged from next year’s UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on drugs in the form of much more di ...
UN: Swedish drug rules violate human rights [07.11.2015] Sweden's drug policies have come in for harsh criticism from the UN. Effective treatments against drug abuse, such as needle exchange programmes, are ...
Ruling in Mexico sets into motion legal marijuana [04.11.2015] The Supreme Court opened the door to legalizing marijuana, delivering a pointed challenge to Mexico’s strict substance abuse laws and adding its weig ...
New UN think-tank report: What comes after the War on Drugs? [02.11.2015] The UN's own thinktank, the United Nations University (UNU), published a report entitled What Comes After the War on Drugs? that argues that UNGASS 2 ...
World drug problem violates human rights in five key areas, says UN official [27.09.2015] The global drug problem violates human rights in five key areas – the right to health, the rights relating to criminal justice and discrimination, th ...
Majority of Spaniards oppose new "gag law" [06.07.2015] Three quarters of Spaniards oppose the country's new "gag law", which has brought in a series of measures opponents say hark back to the dark days of ...
The new drug warriors [01.05.2015] The war on drugs is edging towards a truce. Half of Americans want to lift the ban on cannabis. America’s change of heart has led many to wonder if t ...
Chan and Sukumaran execution 'illegal', but Indonesia ignores Australia again [01.05.2015] The execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran was illegal under international law, but Australia's request that Indonesia submit to the judgment ...
Which countries have the death penalty for drug smuggling? [27.04.2015] Indonesia executed eight convicted drug traffickers. The sentences have provoked outrage from the prisoners’ home countries, none of which hands down ...
Another UN agency savages the drug war [16.03.2015] The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the UN agency charged with developing strategies to reduce global poverty, has strongly criticised c ...
On the death penalty for drugs [02.03.2015] The Annual Report of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), released today, calls upon States that ‘continue to impose the death penalty f ...
Indonesia's executions: Drugs diplomacy in a diplomatic crisis? [25.02.2015] All diplomatic efforts earlier this month to save Brazilian and Dutch citizens from execution in Indonesia failed. Both were executed by firing squad ...
The United Nations General Assembly Special Session on drugs in 2016 [16.02.2015] In April 2016, representatives of the world’s nations will gather to evaluate drug policy in a United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGAS ...
The International Drug Control Regime and Access to Controlled Medicines [25.12.2014] The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that some 5.5 billion people around the globe inhabit countries with low to non-existent access to cont ...
The 'Fifth Stage' of Drug Control [30.11.2014] Writing in 1996, Norbert Gilmore noted that ‘little has been written about drug use and human rights. Human rights are rarely mentioned expressly in ...
Colombia, more than three decades of toxic sprayings. Enough! [26.09.2014] It is unfortunate that 35 years after the first chemical spraying in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, we are still writing about aerial sprayings in ...
Cross-regional statement on Drugs and Human Rights General Debate [25.09.2014] This is the first member states' crossregional statement on drugs and human rights in the human rights council. Download the Statement.
Former world leaders call for nations to decriminalize drug use and experiment with legalization [09.09.2014] Drug use should be decriminalized and governments should experiment with drug legalization and regulation, a group of former world leaders argues in ...
IDPC response to the 2013 Annual Report of the International Narcotics Control Board [14.08.2014] The publication of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) Report for 2013 took place in the context of major shifts in the drug policy land ...
Mexico legislators consider regulating marijuana to protect human rights [13.07.2014] In Mexico, since 2006 a public security strategy has been implemented based on militarization, which has prioritized the use of force – including let ...
Global drug policy is still deadly and ineffective [02.06.2014] If you actually read the treaties, while they do set firm limitations on the legal, "non-medical" or "non-scientific" sale of schedule drugs — limits ...
INCB speaks out against death penalty [05.03.2014] UN’s International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) unprecedented condemnation of the use of death penalty for drug-related offences is welcome if long ...
Promoting Human Rights - Based Drug Policies in Latin America [27.12.2013] "Latin American countries can take the lead in ensuring that national, regional, and ultimately international drug control policies are carried out i ...
Human rights and drug control: an irreconcilable contradiction? [15.10.2013] This week both the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in Vienna and the UN General Assembly 3rd Committee in New York discuss new drug control res ...
The Next Step in Drug Treatment [25.04.2013] The mandatory-sentencing craze that drove up the prison population tenfold, pushing state corrections costs to bankrupting levels, was rooted in New ...
Denmark ends Iranian drug crime support [09.04.2013] The Danish development minister, Christian Friis Bach (Radikale), has decided to cease providing financial support to a United Nations anti-drug prog ...
Drug policy reform is breaking through at the international level [24.03.2013] Change is in the air ... But the pace could be quickened a bit. While the international policymaking body on drugs has long been stuck in neutral, th ...
An ugly truth in the war on drugs [11.03.2013] This week, representatives from many nations will gather at the annual meeting of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna to determ ...
Is the INCB dangerous to your health? [04.03.2013] In what has become a chilling annual exercise, the UN's drug watchdog the International Narcotics Control Board released its annual report today. The ...
The unintended negative consequences of the 'war on drugs' [28.02.2013] Criminalisation of drug users, excessive levels of imprisonment, and punitive sentencing practices, including mandatory sentencing, the death penalty ...
Mexico's disappeared [19.02.2013] This 176-page report documents nearly 250 “disappearances” during the administration of former President Felipe Calderón, from December 2006 to Decem ...
Report: Mexico disappearances constitute 'crisis' [19.02.2013] Human Rights Watch called Mexico's anti-drug offensive "disastrous" in the report Mexico's Disappeared: The Enduring Cost of a Crisis Ignored, that c ...
Call for end to anti-drug aid for regimes with death penalty [29.12.2012] Human rights groups have urged the UK government to heed the recommendations of an influential parliamentary committee that has told the government t ...
The Death Penalty for Drug Offences [19.11.2012] Executions for drug offences have escalated in countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia against a trend towards abolition globally, reveals a new Harm ...
UK aid to Iran's war on drugs has led to rise in hangings, UN warns [27.10.2012] Britain's funding of Iran's anti-drugs trafficking programmes has been called into question after a UN watchdog expressed alarm at a sharp rise in th ...
Governing The Global Drug Wars [23.10.2012] Since 1909 the international community has worked to eradicate the abuse of narcotics. A century on, the efforts are widely acknowledged to have fail ...
How International Aid for Drug Enforcement Fuels Human Rights Abuses [02.10.2012] It is increasingly clear that there is a fundamental lack of oversight of how international aid – provided by the US, Europe and the United Nations t ...
New report connects international aid for drug enforcement to gross human rights violations [20.06.2012] Millions of dollars in international aid for drug enforcement is spent in countries with extremely poor human rights records resulting in serious abu ...
Partners in Crime [20.06.2012] Millions of dollars in international aid for drug enforcement is spent in countries with extremely poor human rights records and with little or no ac ...
Mérida: continued support for a failed strategy [21.05.2012] Some five years ago, after Mexico’s President Felipe Calderón declared a War on Drugs followed by a firm military crackdown on drug trafficking organ ...
When the UN Won't Condemn Torture You Know Something's Very Wrong [04.04.2012] When the UN's drugs watchdog, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), was asked recently about its official position on torture carried out ...
INCB’s tortured logic [02.04.2012] On several recent occasions, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) has refused to offer an opinion on sanctions that violate international ...
Narcotics watchdog turns blind eye to rights abuses [28.03.2012] In a world where drug offences are punishable with the death penalty, torture or arbitrary detention, we must ask how far States can go to enforce th ...
Letter to the International Narcotics Control Board on Capital Punishment for Drug Offences [14.03.2012] On several recent occasions, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) has refused to offer an opinion on sanctions that violate international ...
Commanding general confidence? [11.03.2012] This note provides an overview of human rights and international law concerns raised by the 2011 Annual Report of the International Narcotics Control ...


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