Cannabis grow clubs want High Court to decide if customers can ‘sit back, relax and enjoy the fruits’ of their joint labour
Lawyers, on behalf of THC, are now preparing to turn to a court to determine the legality of the cannabis grow club model
Thursday, December 17, 2020
In September 2018, the Constitutional Court decriminalised the private cultivation of cannabis by adults for personal private consumption. This created an opportunity for businesses to ‘privately’ grow and prepare cannabis for clients. But recent police action has nipped their operations in the bud, so they want legal clarity. In October this year, police in the Western Cape announced that provincial detectives had arrested two suspects on drug trafficking charges. It turned out the target of this clampdown had been The Haze Club (THC). This service is what is known as a cannabis grow club – there are apparently several in South Africa – and involves a business leasing to clients what it deems to be private space, in an appropriate facility, where it cultivates clients’ cannabis on their behalf.