Haze Club case: ‘Cannabis grow clubs allow people to access their rights’
Denying people access to grow clubs amounts to indirect discrimination based on race
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Laws that criminalise grow clubs are unconstitutional and infringe on people’s rights to cultivate and use cannabis privately. This is according to a high court application by the director of The Haze Club (THC), Neil Liddell. Liddell and his attorneys launched a high court application. He is turning to the court to determine the legality of THC in light of the Constitutional Court’s 2018 judgment on the cultivation and use of cannabis. THC follows what has become known as the “grow club model”. Members of the club buy their own seeds. After signing up, a member delivers the seeds to be grown and harvested by THC. This model means that the cannabis plant is at all times under the ownership of the member.