Bongs for beer steins? Why Germany might move to legalise cannabis
Regardless of the precise details of implementation, Germany looks set to undergo big changes to its cannabis culture
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Germany's likely new government, the left-leaning Social Democratic Party (SPD), Greens and the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP), have been locked in intense coalition negotiations in recent weeks. One area that’s sure to change is Germany’s drug policy. According to Georg Wurth, President of the German Hemp Association, decriminalisation, which removes criminal penalties for consumption, typically precedes full legalisation and is the more likely outcome, though the parties are still negotiating. “It’s really hard to imagine that we’d jump straight to legalisation. But the signs from the coalition talks are there, and they’ve committed to modernisation. This would fit right in, and make us trailblazers in the global context,” said Wurth.